• Five Superfighters

    Mar 14, 2015

    The generally undemanding nature of the film make this a definite thumbs up for genre-lovers.

  • Lion Vs. Lion

    Apr 13, 2015

    ‘Lion vs. Lion’ is so frustrating because when it’s good, it’s superb. Sadly the focus tends to be on the comedic aspects of the film which range from the amusing to the banal.

  • Monkey Kung Fu

    Apr 30, 2015

    The bottom line is that ‘Monkey Kung Fu’ is a highly recommended gem with a cast that doesn’t feature the genres big names, but still outshines many better known films.

  • Ode To Gallantry

    Mar 24, 2025

    Perhaps not what one might be expecting from all those involved but nevertheless ‘Ode to Gallantry’ is another solid Cheh flick buoyed by a fantastic lead performance from Philip Kwok. 

  • Roving Swordsman

    May 19, 2015

    It may be a routine swordplay flick that ambles along with little revolutionary, but ‘Roving Swordsman’ is nonetheless watchable enough to warrant a purchase.

  • The Boxer From The Temple

    Feb 25, 2015

    Law Ma has crafted an ensemble kung-fu comedy that has a good number of intricately constructed showdowns and a few moments that manage true pathos rather than tacked on emotion.