• Life Without Principle

    Apr 12, 2015

    This is the kind of stripped down thriller that Hong Kong can still do so well and proof that, while output has become a mere trickle, the quality is still there.

  • Long Arm Of The Law

    Apr 13, 2015

    ‘Long Arm of the Law’ falls short of its reputation but still remains solid and compelling.

  • Long Arm Of The Law II

    Feb 7, 2024

    Not for the fainthearted but for fans of hard-edged cop action films from the golden era of Hong Kong, this is tough to beat.

  • Love Undercover

    Apr 16, 2015

    Although it is a lightweight effort that doesn’t generate too many belly laughs, ‘Love Undercover’ succeeds with an immense charm that sweeps the viewer away.

  • Love Undercover 2: Love Mission

    Apr 16, 2015

    Joe Ma’s goal is to create a fun comedy that highlights the charm of Miriam Yeung and absorbs the viewer in her outlandish adventures – in this regard the film is a definite success.

  • Love Undercover 3

    Apr 16, 2015

    ‘Love Undercover 3’ is packed with a cast all too willing to overact for the camera while also featuring a somnolent leading man who offers little for Sit to work with.

  • Mad Detective

    Apr 18, 2015

    If you like your cop thrillers but want something just a little different then ‘Mad Detective’ has got both bases covered.

  • Mafia Vs. Ninja

    Apr 19, 2015

    If you’re a big Robert Tai fan, add a star to the following mark; most though should see ‘Mafia vs. Ninja’ as a cheap and cheerful mix of kung fu and surrealism.

  • Maria

    Jun 5, 2019

    A B-movie with some bite, ‘Maria’ stumbles with its by-the-numbers story and unnecessary scenes of torture but is saved by some cool fight scenes and a fierce lead performance from Cristine Reyes.

  • Midnight Runners

    Feb 22, 2018

    Fresh, funny, exciting and full of snappy action, ‘Midnight Runners’ is a joyous ride, rarely missing a beat from first frame until last.

  • Miracles

    Apr 24, 2015

    Jackie openly admits that this film was intended to answer the critics who saw him as just an action star/director. What an answer it proved to be!

  • Money Crazy

    Apr 25, 2015

    Though it’s not in the same league as the Michael Hui hits it tries to emulate, ‘Money Crazy’ is still reasonably entertaining and certainly better than Woo’s other ventures into the genre.