• Rush Hour 2

    May 19, 2015

    For the first and last 30 minutes I was truly impressed, and loved every minute although there was a short sag in the middle.

  • Rush Hour 3

    May 19, 2015

    ‘Rush Hour 3’ barely even passes as a competent movie and I think that it’s about time that Tucker (who never really had much talent in the first place) and Chan moved onto other things.

  • Savage

    Jul 5, 2021

    ‘Savage’ pulls few punches in its tough tale of a mountain cop on a quest to extract revenge on a trio of criminals who killed his partner.

  • Saving Mr. Wu

    Mar 28, 2017

    Despite eschewing all the trappings of a big budget thriller, ‘Saving Mr. Wu’ is still a tense and perhaps even thought-provoking production.

  • Score

    May 21, 2015

    Not that I am expecting high art from what is a low budget Japanese action film but this film really is awful.

  • Seeding Of A Ghost

    Aug 7, 2020

    For the undemanding genre fan, or neophyte viewers just discovering Asian horror, ‘Seeding of a Ghost’ is that illustrious “beer & pizza” time waster that provides a taster of what else to expect.

  • Set Up

    Jun 6, 2020

    Definitely a blight on Billy Chung’s eclectic cinematic oeuvre, ‘Set Up’ is a formerly shelved title that should have remained buried indefinitely.

  • Seven Warriors

    May 22, 2015

    ‘Seven Warriors’ does not compare to the flawless epic that inspired it, but it’s encouraging to report that this is well worth watching.

  • She Shoots Straight

    May 24, 2015

    A simple and fast moving story about a tough female cops, is told with style, if not great direction, by Yuen Kwai.

  • Shinjuku Incident

    May 24, 2015

    There’s some very powerful visual displays of violence that pepper the film throughout, showing us that if you turn to the dark side you really will become slave to its master.

  • Shiri

    Jul 19, 2015

    A very involving and enticing tale that is made all the more appealing by some top performances from Han Suk-Kyu and Choi Min-Sik.

  • Shock Wave 2

    Jun 7, 2021

    One’s suspension of disbelief may be pushed to breaking point but if you can go with the adrenaline pulsing momentum and the fact this is supposed to be a load of entertaining fun, then you will have a good time.