• Kill Bill: Volume 2

    Apr 3, 2015

    On its release ‘Kill Bill: Volume 1’ was Tarantino’s weakest film. Now that honour goes to ‘Kill Bill: Volume 2’.

  • Kill Boksoon

    Sep 25, 2023

    Slick, stylish and stuffed with a surfeit of violent fight action, ‘Kill Boksoon’ is a superb tale of stylised action and a protagonist attempting to leave their violent profession behind.

  • King Of Robbery

    Apr 4, 2015

    Even though he has very little to work with, Simon Yam still manages to impress with his portrayal of yet another mean and moody criminal mastermind.

  • Kiss Of The Dragon

    Apr 4, 2015

    A lad’s with lager film, but one that doesn’t fail in it’s objective: Jet Li kicks ass…violently…and lots of it.

  • Kung Fu Flid

    Apr 4, 2015

    Those of you still hooked on the “corr blimey guv’nor” British gangster flicks may find ‘Kung Fu Flid’ a minor distraction.

  • Kung Fu Hustle

    Apr 4, 2015

    It is a brilliantly constructed spoof of the martial arts genre that includes all of the elements that made Chow such a success.

  • Kyoto Nocturnes, Part I: Elegant Slaughter

    Apr 4, 2015

    A rewarding stand-alone experience, ‘Elegant Slaughter’ is also an irresistible taster for stories yet to come. The queue starts here.

  • Lady Cop & Papa Crook

    Apr 5, 2015

    Interest is created in ‘Lady Cop & Papa Crook’ by its style and verve, yet the story and characters are successful in doing the opposite.

  • Law With Two Phases

    Apr 5, 2015

    Its brave examination of a very powerful subject deserves commendation as does its unflinching view of the effects on the family of the victim.

  • Left For Dead

    Apr 5, 2015

    I can’t think of a good reason for you to part with your hard earned cash to watch this movie, especially when you can watch films for free on the internet of a similar production standard.

  • Legacy Of Rage

    Apr 6, 2015

    ‘Legacy of Rage’ may not even be in the same category as ‘A Better Tomorrow’, but it makes for relatively pleasing pop entertainment.

  • Legend Of The Bat

    Apr 6, 2015

    ‘Legend Of The Bat’ suffers from the same problems as its predecessor, namely its headache-inducing twists and turns.