• Summons To Death

    Nov 27, 2017

    Ultimately viewer satisfaction with ‘Summons to Death’ will arguably be measured by one’s affinity for both the Sean Connery-period Bond films or sixties era sensibilities and filmmaking stylings.

  • Sunshine Cops

    Jun 4, 2015

    The great on-screen chemistry of the two leads help this stylish and hugely enjoyable caper move along at a leisurely, but absorbing pace.

  • Superfights

    Jun 5, 2015

    Probably the hardest to find of Seasonal’s American produced pictures, ‘Superfights’ is great fun despite the super cheese factor and worth seeing for the awesome martial arts.

  • Suspect X

    Jun 5, 2015

    ‘Suspect X’ plays with the usual hero/villain dynamic before settling into a denouement that reveals the complexity the audience was hitherto unaware of.

  • Sympathy For Lady Vengeance

    Jun 7, 2015

    Providing meat for the mind as well as fireworks for the senses ‘Sympathy for Lady Vengeance’ is one of the best films of 2006.

  • Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

    Jun 7, 2015

    It doesn’t deliver as much as it promises and doesn’t quite hit the mark as a complete unit due to a less cohesive second half and not enough time spent establishing Dong-Jin’s character.

  • Tekken

    Jun 9, 2015

    Even a few moments of magic from Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa and Gary Daniels do little to improve the overall picture, and it has to be said that this is a sorry excuse for a ‘Tekken’ movie.

  • Ten Dead Men

    Jun 9, 2015

    It may be a little rough around the edges and lack the gloss of a big budget action film but ‘Ten Dead Men’ holds it own and shows independent action cinema can serve up the goods.

  • The Adventurers

    Jan 1, 2018

    ‘The Adventurers’ itself is a breezy romp with a good cast, some smart action sequences and enough momentum to make its duration enjoyable on a standard level.

  • The Asian Connection

    Nov 6, 2020

    ‘The Asian Connection’ is easily one of Seagal’s worst outings to date, as well as being one of the poorest films I’ve seen in some time.

  • The Attorney

    Dec 25, 2021

    Wong Kwok Fai has given us a film of quality with ‘The Attorney’, a courtroom thriller that deserves a place among its more illustrious contemporaries.

  • The Big 4

    Apr 6, 2023

    Mixing tones and styles, ‘The Big 4’ is reminiscent of action films from Hong Kong’s glory days providing stunt-filled chaos to sate action junkies but plenty of laughs and heart in between the action to make us smile.