Genre: Crime
The Protector
May 16, 2015The Hong Kong version features watchable new action that is worth tracking down for Chan purists, but as a whole, the film remains on Chan’s ‘avoid list’.
The Raid
May 16, 2015An action/fight fan’s dream come true, ‘The Raid’ contains all the brilliantly choreographed fights scenes you could want but is also a damn riveting thriller.
The Raid 2
May 16, 2015While sometimes over indulgent and not quite as good as the first instalment, ‘The Raid 2’ is still an incredible achievement, a staggering action film and, well, just plain essential cinema.
The Red Panther
Aug 12, 2018The efforts to downplay the (deservedly) serious subject matter over lengthy diversions into dreadfully unamusing comedy shtick ultimately diffuse whatever real horror ideals it may have had.
The Replacement Killers
May 17, 2015‘The Replacement Killers’ is a film that borrows heavily from infinitely better works and winds up being distinctly average. While the trendy action still makes it watchable, it’s not enough to push it past the 3 star mark.
The Shepherd: Border Patrol
May 24, 2015Normally I’m the first to find some sort of saving grace in all Van Damme vehicles, but ‘The Shepherd’ is just so under-par that it’s painful.
The Show Must Go On
May 25, 2015‘The Show Must Go On’ is still packed with bone-dry humour juxtaposed with moments of gripping tension, a feat that should not be underestimated.
The Silent War
May 26, 2015Although nobody could say ‘The Silent War’ has a vice-like grip on the viewer, it features a few moments of genuine excitement and gathers quite a momentum by the final third.
The Sniper
May 28, 2015If you like slick, glossy action flicks with lots of pretty boys posing, then ‘The Sniper’ is right up your street.
The Street Fighter
Jun 3, 2015‘The Street Fighter’ is a throat ripping, eyeball gouging hoot that what it lacks in any kind of decency or coherent plotting makes up for with spades and spades of exploitation.
The Super Ninja
Jun 5, 2015The Super Ninja’ comes very close to becoming a highly recommended film on action merits alone.
The Suspect
Jun 5, 2015‘The Suspect’ is a highly recommended return to form for Ringo Lam after his brief stay in Hollywood. For fans of quality thrillers, this is unlikely to disappoint.