• Vengeance

    Jun 20, 2015

    If you love the gunplay genre then you’ll love ‘Vengeance’ as it’s amazing to look at, but the story does take a backseat so that the action can be given centre stage.

  • Violent Streets

    Feb 10, 2023

    A tough film with many unlikable characters but a thrilling tale of gangster revenge that has lost none of its force over the past 50 years.

  • Wheels On Meals

    Jun 26, 2015

    Jackie has never looked better in a one-on-one fight, and while the story is barely memorable, it is still another excellent addition to Hung’s filmmaking resume.

  • Windstruck

    Jun 27, 2015

    Melodramatic, beautiful, witty, hilarious, tragic, heavy-handed, overlong… ‘Windstruck’ is an enjoyable enigma that has enough virtues to make even a stoic critic a little more forgiving.

  • Winner Takes All

    Jun 27, 2015

    Unfortunately, just as you find yourself warming to his style, Wong Jing falls prey to the failings that would long be associated with him.

  • Wrath Of Silence

    Nov 23, 2018

    ‘Wrath of Silence’ builds up well after a slow start and, while not quite bringing the viewer to the edge of their seat, evolves into a more than decent mixture of arthouse aesthetics and nuts-and-bolts action.

  • Wu Xia

    Jun 28, 2015

    With some excellent, grounded choreography and a number of allusions to genre legends this is a mature martial arts film that respects its roots.

  • Yakuza Deka

    Jun 29, 2015

    Despite some excellent action with Chiba on top form, it’s the unintentionally comical moments and camp overall feeling that win out.

  • Yakuza Deka: The Assassin

    Jun 29, 2015

    While it may still be an adequate time filler, ‘Yakuza Deka: The Assassin’ is really nothing more than a carbon copy of the first film.

  • Yakuza Hunters: The Revenge Duel In Hell

    Jun 29, 2015

    ‘Yakuza Hunters: The Revenge Duel In Hell’ is quite a different animal to the first movie, so much so that fans of the original’s campy goodness may well be somewhat disappointed.

  • Yakuza Hunters: The Ultimate Battle Royale

    Jun 29, 2015

    If you’ve been entertained by any of the other recent blood-soaked outings to emerge from the territory, then this is probably another movie you’ll want to add to your watchlist.

  • Yakuza Wolf

    Feb 19, 2024

    Fierce Yakuza action from the man Sonny Chiba, ‘Yakuza Wolf’ has lost none of its power as it dishes up a hard-hitting dose of violent action and in-your-face exploitation.