Genre: Drama
Oct 25, 2022While proceedings do get a little dry and flat on occasion, for the most part this version of ‘Mulan’ is a well-made and entertaining epic that never resorts to heavy-handed storytelling.
My Father Is A Hero
May 3, 2015‘My Father Is A Hero’ provides some adrenalin pumping set-pieces, notably a classic scene where Li takes on a dozen of the villain’s lackies with a pair of tonfa.
My Hero
May 3, 2015‘My Hero’ is unlikely to blow you away, but it’s still a decent 90’s gangster flick that benefits from Chow’s inclusion.
My Kingdom
May 3, 2015It’s just so generic, so riddled with the current Chinese cinematic pox that it is impossible to care about.
My Life As McDull
May 3, 2015Animation may still prove to be an acquired taste for some while Hong Kong animation may prove even more so, but ‘My Life As McDull’ is recommended to young and old alike.
My Life’s On The Line
May 3, 2015For everyone looking for a fight-filled evening’s entertainment, ‘My Life’s On The Line’ will satisfy even the most jaded viewer.
My Mother, The Mermaid
May 3, 2015A superb romantic drama that should delight the aficionados and squeeze a few tears out of even the hardiest soul.
My Name Is Fame
May 3, 2015‘My Name Is Fame’ is essentially a platform for Lau Ching Wan and the actor makes full use of this opportunity.
My Name Is Nobody
Mar 12, 2021‘My Name is Nobody’ (due to its budgetary constraints and modest scale) doesn’t hold a candle to the greats of the sub-genre, but it harbours one saving grace – and it’s a nasty one.
My Neighbour Totoro
May 3, 2015‘My Neighbour Totoro’ is a true family classic that encompasses all of the elements of cinema that Miyazaki does so well.
My Prince Edward
Aug 14, 2020Tackling familiar pressures that face young couples – especially women – in modern Hong Kong, Wong favours an understated, low-fi style that suits the material very well.
My S.O. Has Got Depression
May 3, 2015Blessed with the presence of Aoi Miyazaki – possibly the cutest actress in the universe – the story of two ordinary people dealing with life-changing illness is uplifting without being glib.