• Deliver Us From Evil

    Apr 30, 2021

    Despite using well worn action tropes as a framework to pit two men against one another, the film spins a refreshing take on these tropes to constantly surprise the viewer and ultimately deliver an emotional wallop.

  • Departures

    Mar 7, 2015

    Tackling a taboo subject with maturity and outstanding sensitivity, it should be of no great surprise to see ‘Departures’ striking a chord with audiences around the globe.

  • Dersu Uzala

    Jul 9, 2018

    A life-affirming work that came at a key time for a director whose self-confidence was at its lowest ebb, ‘Dersu Urzala’ is cinema at its most vital.

  • Disciples Of Shaolin

    Mar 7, 2015

    The film has stood the test of time in terms of fight action, performances and direction, all of which are exceptional.

  • Ditto

    Mar 8, 2015

    The Korean hit makes ample use of the fine chemistry between its two main stars and the inherent interest generated by such a workable premise.

  • Dog

    Mar 8, 2015

    ‘Dog’ is a powerful short film that doesn’t flinch on the violence and certainly delves into the dark corners of society.

  • Don Quixote

    Mar 8, 2015

    Liu provides a more than acceptable ‘Don Quixote-lite’, a necessarily truncated interpretation that will hopefully inspire some to read the Cervantes masterpiece in full.

  • Don’t Cry, Mommy

    Mar 8, 2015

    ‘Don’t Cry, Mommy’ is a decent entry into the revenge genre, albeit a fairly imperfect one.

  • Dragon Blade

    Sep 1, 2017

    ‘Dragon Blade’, for the most part is an entertaining ride but sways inconsistently between hard hitting period action and cheesy dramatics.

  • Dragon Eyes

    Mar 8, 2015

    The film wastes the majority of talent involved and meanders along without anything even remotely memorable to offer.

  • Dragon Fist

    Mar 8, 2015

    Jackie Chan is given one of his more serious roles and succeeds in giving a fine performance both in the acting and the fighting departments.

  • Dragon Squad

    Mar 9, 2015

    Even though it is littered with flaws, I feel I can’t give ‘Dragon Squad’ the complete thumbs down as it is one of those films that could easily pass for a guilty pleasure.