Genre: Horror
Blood Hunters: Rise Of The Hybrids
Mar 12, 2020This short, sharp and mostly sweet martial arts vampire actioner may lack budget and a dense narrative but what it does have is oodles and oodles of awesome fight action.
Blood: The Last Vampire
Feb 24, 2015Perhaps if the series had been completed it may have been bordering on the “classic” status, but as a standalone movie there are just far too many plot holes for it to fully succeed.
Blood: The Last Vampire
Feb 24, 2015Much of the story could have been padded better, with the format really revolving around getting to the next action sequence when more depth to the characters would have been far more beneficial.
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Feb 26, 2015‘Brotherhood Of The Wolf’ doesn’t quite contain enough action to hold fight fans’ attention but also lacks the innovation to be anything more than a weak murder mystery.
Chanbara Beauty
Feb 28, 2015‘Chanbara Beauty’ is an uncomplicated, intermittently fun, undead actioner that will please fans of the genre and the videogames.
Chanbara Beauty 2: The Vortex
Feb 28, 2015Thanks to a mind-numbingly dull story and some weak leading performances, ‘Chanbara Beauty 2’ somehow manages to suck all of the fun out of bikini clad zombie slayers.
Feb 28, 2015This slick Korean production offers a fair amount of rampaging animal attacks, goofy horror fun and dashings of gore to make it a decent monster movie.
Crazy Lips
Oct 9, 2016‘Crazy Lips’ exists as a curiosity piece for people who adore bizarro Japanese cinema infused with nonsensical plotting and an abundance of sleaze.
Apr 30, 2018It does share some style and themes with Kurosawa’s bigger genre hit ‘Pulse’, but ‘Cure’ is a tighter wound and better executed film that lingers long after the final frame.
Dark Water
Mar 5, 2015Like the majority of Hideo Nakata’s work, ‘Dark Water’ proves to be more of a psychological entry into the genre rather than an all out gore-fest.
Dead Mine
Dec 3, 2019This Indonesian B-movie horror never quite lives up to its awesome high-concept but has enough going for it to make it a swift, slick shocker.
Dead Sushi
Mar 5, 2015Extremely silly, camp, surreal and gory, ‘Dead Sushi’ is a bonkers ride of flesh eating sushi, kung fu, flying squids, sushi sex (!) and a daughter’s quest to earn the respect of her father.