• Dragon Lord

    Mar 8, 2015

    Chan tries to introduce the new quick-cut style of action alongside a significant measure of pure entertainment and humour.

  • Dragon Tiger Gate

    Mar 9, 2015

    Don’t compare it to Yen and Yip’s ‘SPL’ or ‘Flashpoint’, just sit back and enjoy a good old fashioned comic book blockbuster with heaps of kung fu action.

  • Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

    Mar 9, 2015

    All in all, it’s a solid slice of entertainment that presents a charming if somewhat inaccurate account of Lee’s life.

  • Dragon’s Claws

    Mar 9, 2015

    ‘Dragon’s Claws’ shows the good and bad of independent kung-fu film-maker Joesph Kuo.

  • DragonBlade

    Mar 9, 2015

    The film provides a really fun and family friendly take on the genre, as well as giving a knowing glance in the direction of traditional kung fu movie fans.

  • Dragons Forever

    Mar 9, 2015

    Chan and Hung continue to substantiate their legendary status in the cinematic hall of fame, but it is Yuen Biao who really steals the film.

  • Dreadnaught

    Mar 9, 2015

    It’s very strange how such a well-polished and highly entertaining film has come under such criticism from some Hong Kong film fans.

  • Drive

    Mar 9, 2015

    If you like martial arts movies and long to see an American outing that does it right for a change, then ‘Drive’ is definitely worthy of your time.

  • Drunken Master

    Mar 9, 2015

    No one who claims to be a Hong Kong action cinema fan or a true Chan fan should be without a copy of this movie.

  • Drunken Master II

    Mar 9, 2015

    This is truly a masterpiece of the genre with Chan, who was approaching his 40th birthday at the time, on astounding form.

  • Drunken Master III

    Mar 9, 2015

    The weak plot and general ridiculousness are just too much to bear, and most of the star power winds up being utterly wasted.

  • Drunken Master Su Qier

    Jan 12, 2023

    The action ranges from the adequate to the quite good – hardly a ringing endorsement, I grant you – but suffers from that same curse of poor wirework.