Blu-ray release: ‘Black Cat II’

By   |  Jul 12, 2024

88 Films are bringing the 1992 Hong Kong action thriller ‘Black Cat II’ (黑貓II 刺殺葉利欽 / Black Cat 2) to UK Blu-ray on August 26, 2024.

Directed by , the film, which is a sequel to 1991’s ‘Black Cat’, finds Catherine assigned to take on a group of Russian terrorists who are planning to kill the president. The cast includes Jade Leung, Robin Shou, Zoltan Buday, Bob Wilde, Alexander Skorokhod, and Tatiana Chekhova.

Synopsis: Catherine has now undergone even more experiments to help refine her ferocious outbursts whilst still trying to retain the little bit of humanity which survives within her. But her next assignment is to take on Russian terrorists who are trying to take out Boris Yeltsin, pushing her skills to the max.


‘Black Cat II’ is available to pre-order now from

Phil Mills
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