Rating: 3.5
Ultimate Justice
Dec 20, 201790s style action returns full force in the fast and fun ‘Ultimate Justice’, which features a fair share of familiar martial arts faces from the decade.
Jun 19, 2015‘Underground’ is a martial arts action movie and for such a low budget British movie, is a pretty damn good one.
United We Stand, And Swim
Jun 19, 2015The enjoyment that is had from viewing this modest, yet mostly rewarding production is that it is a character piece that avoids action or histrionics.
Universal Soldier: Regeneration
Jun 19, 2015Despite being labelled as a DTV outing, ‘Universal Soldier: Regeneration’ emerges as both an entertaining entry into the franchise and a respectable little action movie.
Up The Mountain
Apr 22, 2020Hard to categorise, gorgeously shot and occasionally challenging in form, ‘Up The Mountain’ is quite unlike anything else.
Us And Them
Mar 19, 2019The pacing is just right, the locations are skilfully used and Liu has taken a deceptively simple story and given it layers of interest beneath.
Jun 20, 2015There are definitely better films out there than ‘Vengeance’ but Chang Cheh’s experienced editing and camera work do still make it an interesting watch.
War Of The Arrows
Jun 23, 2015‘The War of The Arrows’ is the kind of confident blockbuster that swaggers onto the screen, stays for a noisy, incident-filled two hours and gallops off into the night.
Weeds On Fire
Nov 6, 2017More than workmanlike though never content with just being another sports film, ‘Weeds On Fire’ is an encouraging sign of life in Hong Kong cinema.
Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Jun 26, 2015‘Whatever Will Be, Will Be’ is an unusual film to recommend as it is so anchored to convention that it initially seems to have little to differentiate it from the many other similarly themed films.
White Vengeance
Jun 26, 2015‘White Vengeance’ – in keeping with the generic expectations of recent years – has big, bruising conflict aplenty and it’s those moments that tend to have the greatest impact.
Who Are You?
Jun 27, 2015It may have weaknesses that wreak of uneven handling by the director, but its two main cast members courageously battle through such obstacles and help this topsy-turvy film achieve a certain charisma.