Rating: 3.5
Jun 23, 2020The action in ‘Wira’ makes up for any fumbles with the narrative and while this could have been a shorter, sharper film it’s nevertheless a great action showcase for those involved.
Wolf Warrior
Sep 17, 2016Wu Jing’s second stab at directing, after ‘Legendary Assassin’, is an all guns blazing, military action, explosions riot.
Wolf Warrior II
Jul 29, 2017‘Wolf Warrior II’ excels in delivering adrenaline charged, brilliantly choreographed, stunt filled action that should sate even the most rabid action fan.
Wrath Of Silence
Nov 23, 2018‘Wrath of Silence’ builds up well after a slow start and, while not quite bringing the viewer to the edge of their seat, evolves into a more than decent mixture of arthouse aesthetics and nuts-and-bolts action.
Written By
Jun 28, 2015As the film unfolds the perspective gets murky and Wai Ka-Fai’s juggling of the various elements comes into question.
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Jun 30, 2015‘Yo-Yo Girl Cop’ is at its best when it gives the viewers the off-kilter action they expect with the yo-yo duel at the end proving to be one of the highlights.
Young Detective Dee: Rise Of The Sea Dragon
Jun 30, 2015‘Young Detective Dee: Rise Of The Sea Dragon’ is involving fare with enough action and impetus to distract the most critical eye.