• Quick

    May 16, 2015

    This would-be Blockbuster is all kinds of insane silliness and tone varying madness but is actually a whole lot of over-the-top action fun.

  • Rage And Honour II: Hostile Takeover

    May 16, 2015

    A definite improvement over part 1, and other similar fare such as ‘China O’Brien’ – it makes for an adequate 90 minutes viewing – but ultimately reminds us why we love HK fighting so much more.

  • Re-cycle

    May 16, 2015

    There is quite a lot going on in ‘Re-cycle’ for both the eye and mind and while its perhaps a bit too ambiguous for its own good it’s probably a film best viewed a couple or several times to fully appreciate and digest.

  • Red Eye

    Feb 12, 2019

    A modest South Korean ghost story, albeit one that retains vestigial hints of promise that only serve to indicate how great it could have been.

  • Red Wolf

    May 17, 2015

    While it remains watchable, ‘Red Wolf’ really suffers from its own inability to create anything fresh.

  • Redcon-1

    Mar 11, 2019

    Mixing the zombie, martial arts and men-on-a-mission genres, ‘Redcon-1’ adopts a take no prisoners approach and rarely lets up over its almost 2 hour run time.

  • Return Engagement

    Sep 26, 2018

    ‘Return Engagement’ is cut from much the same cloth as many gangster films of the era but differentiates itself with a stronger core storyline.

  • Return Of The Dead

    Jan 6, 2018

    Li’s ghostly anthology achieves its ends as a series of cautionary tales of the ills that might befall those who succumb to their own greed and desires.

  • Return To Earth

    May 17, 2015

    This venture was constantly entertaining, and providing the potential becomes reality, should prove a very worthwhile experience.

  • Revenger

    Apr 3, 2019

    Basically a showcase for Kahn’s incredible fight skills, ‘Revenger’ is best when the all out martial arts mayhem is on screen.

  • Rich And Famous

    Jul 24, 2023

    Not the best example of heroic bloodshed from the golden age but an entertaining footnote in the careers of heavy hitters Chow Yun-Fat and Andy Lau, and certainly worth checking out for completists.

  • Ring 2

    May 18, 2015

    ‘Ring 2’ feels like more of a carbon copy than a worthwhile sequel and even Nakata’s knack for haunting imagery can do little to make it stand out.