• Riot

    May 18, 2015

    Admittedly the acting isn’t great and you’ve seen it all done better elsewhere, but if you’re in the right mood then it can definitely provide a fun night off for your brain.

  • Rob-B-Hood

    May 18, 2015

    Despite some wonderful Jackie moments it proves to be a movie where the need to be ‘cute’ is more important than the desire to entertain.

  • Rogue Ninja

    May 18, 2015

    If you are looking for straight up, no frills, ninja-on-ninja action then you could do a lot worse than Seiji Chiba’s ‘Rogue Ninja’.

  • Romeo Must Die

    May 19, 2015

    The idea behind ‘Romeo Must Die’ was an interesting one but the finished product winds up being distinctly average.

  • Rose, Rose I Love You

    May 19, 2015

    ‘Rose, Rose I Love You’ is less of a straight lampoon of 60s Hong Kong cinema and more of a genuine attempt to harness the spiritedness of the original.

  • Roving Swordsman

    May 19, 2015

    It may be a routine swordplay flick that ambles along with little revolutionary, but ‘Roving Swordsman’ is nonetheless watchable enough to warrant a purchase.

  • Royal Tramp II

    May 19, 2015

    Part two is lavish and colourful, but simply not as absorbing as it needed to be. A steadier hand at the helm may have rectified this.

  • Runaway

    May 19, 2015

    Some of the more eccentric moments do inspire a wry smile, but nothing to fully salvage the end product.

  • Sai Kung Story

    May 20, 2015

    This is an unassuming, yet entertaining film that may not set the world alight, but develops its touching theme quite effectively.

  • Sakra

    Jul 10, 2023

    A mix of historical drama, romantic melodrama, and frantic wuxia superhero charged action, Yen and his crew certainly go all out to create an epic and kudos to their ambition.

  • Sakura Killers

    Mar 26, 2021

    While the whole story and most of the acting is goofy-as-hell there’s no doubting the fun ‘Sakura Killers’ delivers, along with all the great ninja busting.

  • SARS Wars

    May 21, 2015

    Overall the film, much like its hero, has a low budget ramshackle charm that manages to entertain for the duration but wont leave you thinking about it the next day.