Rating: 4.0
Boyka: Undisputed
Oct 16, 2017Scott Adkins returns to one of his signature roles in this fourth instalment of the ‘Undisputed’ franchise and, much like Parts 2 & 3, he and the film deliver.
Breaking News
Feb 26, 2015‘Breaking News’ is punctuated by tension-filled action set-pieces, but its main draw is the sharp characterisation and the insightful critique of the media that fills most of the running time.
Breakout Brothers
Sep 3, 2021This is a surprisingly exciting and often blackly comic thriller that borrows from ‘Prison on Fire’ but does so with real skill.
Broken Oath
Oct 28, 2024With choreography by the great Yuen Woo-Ping and Hsu Hsia, ‘Broken Oath’ lets its female star showcase her considerable skill in a multitude of crisply choreographed set-pieces
Broken Path
Feb 26, 2015If you have enjoyed Sakamoto’s and the Alpha boy’s previous efforts, and like your martial arts tough and full on, then ‘Broken Path’ is a definite recommendation.
Feb 22, 2023‘Broker’ is deceptively gentle in the same way as the tide is – constant, soothing and yet with a power to erode even the hardest granite with its motion.
Feb 26, 2015‘Brother’ is a very classy film with some powerful moments that are eloquently shot and acted through the eyes of Takeshi Kitano.
Bruce Lee, My Brother
Feb 26, 2015Those jonesing for action may feel the pace sag, but ‘Bruce Lee, My Brother’ is a brilliant period family drama.
Bubble Fiction: Boom Or Bust
Feb 27, 2015‘Bubble Fiction: Boom Or Bust’ is a giddy cocktail of absurdism, social commentary and sci-fi adventure with the laughs eventually conquering everything.
Burning Paradise
Feb 27, 2015‘Burning Paradise’ is definitely a worthy addition to the classic kung fu genre as well as the many legends of Fong Sai Yuk.
C’est La Vie, Mon Cheri
Feb 27, 2015These ingredients make ‘C’est La Vie, Mon Cheri’ a real treat to watch and create an enchanting ambience that draws the viewer in.
Carry On Pickpocket
Feb 28, 2015Starts out as a fairly happy-go-lucky comedy but eventually culminates in an all action finale that is surprisingly violent for a film of this ilk.