Tag: South Korea
Trailer: ‘Target’
Aug 15, 2023‘Target’ (타겟) is a 2023 South Korean thriller directed by Park Hee-Kon.
Teaser: ‘Dr. Cheon and The Lost Talisman’
Aug 11, 2023‘Dr. Cheon and The Lost Talisman’ (천박사 퇴마 연구소: 설경의 비밀) is a 2023 South Korean mystery thriller directed by Kim Sung-Sik.
Blu-ray & DVD release: ‘Gangnam Zombie’
Aug 4, 2023Well Go USA are bringing the 2023 South Korean action horror ‘Gangnam Zombie’ (강남좀비) to US Blu-ray and DVD on September 26, 2023.
Teaser: ‘Target’
Aug 4, 2023‘Target’ (타겟) is a 2023 South Korean thriller directed by Park Hee-Kon.
Trailer: ‘Honey Sweet’
Aug 2, 2023‘Honey Sweet’ (달짝지근해: 7510) is a 2023 South Korean romantic comedy directed by Lee Han.
Trailer [2]: ‘Ransomed’
Jul 31, 2023‘Ransomed’ (비공식작전 / Unofficial Operation) is a 2023 South Korean action thriller directed by Kim Sung-Hoon.
Trailer: ‘A Man of Reason’
Jul 27, 2023‘A Man of Reason’ (보호자) is a 2023 South Korean action drama co-written and directed by Jung Woo-Sung.
DVD release: ‘Aloners’
Jul 27, 2023Film Movement are bringing 2021 South Korean drama ‘Aloners’ (혼자 사는 사람들) to US DVD on August 15, 2023.
Teaser: ‘Honey Sweet’
Jul 27, 2023‘Honey Sweet’ (달짝지근해: 7510) is a 2023 South Korean romantic comedy directed by Lee Han.
Trailer: ‘Concrete Utopia’
Jul 25, 2023‘Concrete Utopia’ (콘크리트 유토피아) is a 2023 South Korean disaster thriller directed by Uhm Tae-Hwa.
DVD release: ‘Seire’
Jul 21, 2023Film Movement are bringing the 2022 South Korean horror movie ‘Seire’ (세이레) to UK DVD on August 15, 2023.
Trailer: ‘Moving’
Jul 20, 2023‘Moving’ (무빙) is a 2023 South Korean sci-fi action television series directed by Park In-Je.