Rating: 2.0
Jun 9, 2015Even a few moments of magic from Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa and Gary Daniels do little to improve the overall picture, and it has to be said that this is a sorry excuse for a ‘Tekken’ movie.
Tekken 2: Kazuya’s Revenge
Oct 9, 2016This sort of sequel/prequel has its moments also but is nowhere near as fun, is often confusing and unfortunately feels like a half arsed attempt to cash in on the first flick.
Tekken: The Motion Picture
Jun 9, 2015Even though it does get some of the backstory correct, it just seems far too muddled and mundane to please the game’s fanbase.
Thanks For Your Love
Jun 10, 2015Normally the framework of such a film is at least clichéd, but here it is simply bizarre and uninvolving.
The Adventurers
Feb 16, 2015A wishy-washy mish-mash of melodrama and action, renowned Hong Kong director Ringo Lam just couldn’t get the tone quite right for his mid-90s opus ‘The Adventurers’.
The Black Panther Warriors
Feb 23, 2015Somewhere on earth, there might a exist a computer than can decipher the meaning of ‘The Black Panther Warriors’ – but that’s doubtful.
The Bodyguard From Beijing
Feb 25, 2015‘The Bodyguard From Beijing’ had the potential to be remembered as a classic action film, but Corey Yuen has failed miserably compared to his other wonderful classics.
The Cavalier
May 28, 2015‘The Cavalier’ is a below par effort from Joseph Kuo, a director who should know better.
The Cheaters
Feb 28, 2015Unfortunately for the prospective viewer, the film never reaches beyond the interest of the synopsis and ends a somewhat dull piece entertainment.
The Cyprus Tigers
Mar 4, 2015The scenery is pleasant, but if a film review has to consist of that line as a recommendation then the audience should know what to expect.
The Echo
May 26, 2015Borrowing heavily from Nakata’s ‘Dark Water’ and Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’, Laranas’ ‘The Echo’ brings nothing new to the overcrowded Asian horror market.
The Fighter
Apr 3, 2015If you want an added fix of Richard Norton go for something better like ALL of his HK films or even his US efforts with Cynthia Rothrock.