Rating: 2.0
Tiger On The Beat 2
Jun 14, 2015There are odd glimpses of entertainment in ‘Tiger On The Beat 2’, but not enough to make this a recommended film to even hardcore action fans.
Tiger’s Claw
Jun 14, 2015There are moments of intrigue that help ‘Tiger’s Claw’ to entertain and it’s definitely not the worst the genre has to offer.
Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision
Jun 25, 2015If viewed with low expectations or caught randomly on late night TV, ‘Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision’ might make for a minor distraction.
Jun 19, 2015The whole production just doesn’t seem to pay enough attention to the plot or characters and seems far more concerned with flaunting its lavish locales.
Ultracop 2000
Jun 19, 2015‘Ultracop 2000’ is a risible film which attempts to be an action, comedy, fantasy film, but fails miserably on all counts.
Apr 8, 2021The problem with ‘War’ is that there just isn’t enough grit and oomph to make it a tough thriller and not enough action to make it a fun action movie.
Why Me, Sweetie?!
Jun 27, 2015A few moments allow you to think you’re watching a better film than you actually are and Jingle Ma utilises his former skills as a choreographer to make Beijing look as splendid as possible.
Zombie Vs. Ninja
Jul 1, 2015‘Zombie Vs. Ninja’ is a cut above a lot of other IFD outings, simply because it steals an abundance of footage from a half decent kung fu movie.