• Golden Ninja Warrior

    Mar 19, 2015

    It does contain just enough bad kung fu movie clichés and shots of Yeung Huei-Chie in hot (or no) pants to keep you watching.

  • Grand Master Of Shaolin Kung Fu

    Mar 21, 2015

    ‘Grandmaster Of Shaolin Kung Fu’ is a two star film in every department, but that’s half a star more than a Godfrey Ho production can usually expect.

  • Guardians Of The Tomb

    Dec 18, 2018

    The somewhat sluggish pace, the constant need to flashback to an incident from Li’s past, and a surfeit of cardboard characters rob the flick of any adventure fun.

  • Half Past Dead

    Mar 22, 2015

    ‘Half Past Dead’ is another poor addition to the rap fu genre and is less entertaining than both ‘Exit Wounds’ and ‘Romeo Must Die’, whose audience this clearly aims itself at.

  • High Voltage

    Mar 25, 2015

    Another one to add to the dust gathering pile of DVD’s – and recommended only for Koichi or Shannon completists.

  • Himalaya Singh

    Mar 25, 2015

    ‘Himalaya Singh’ is a depressing fusion of noise and colour that Hong Kong cinema can ill-afford to keep churning out.

  • Hollywood Cop

    Apr 27, 2023

    While it does have its fair share of amusingly bizarre dialogue and cheesy action sequences, it also has quite a bit of uninteresting filler that regularly drags it down.

  • House Of The Damned

    May 21, 2018

    ‘House of the Damned’ is just another of the numerous B-grade horror entries that emerged from the late-nineties, albeit sexed up with lashings of gratuitous nudity and as loud, crude and unruly as any of its peers.

  • Invincible Enforcer

    Feb 25, 2018

    Ultimately, ‘Invincible Enforcer’ proves such a hit or miss affair that it’s not hard to see why it has remained virtually unknown to international audiences since its release.

  • Kickboxer 2: The Road Back

    Feb 28, 2020

    Despite attempting to use several of the same ingredients, the serious tone mixed with sub-par fight sequences and an overly familiar plot somehow manages to suck all of the fun out of it.

  • Kickboxer 3: The Art of War

    Apr 22, 2020

    If you’re looking for a low budget action movie with some explosions and cheap fist fights, ‘Kickboxer 3’ might just pass for some late night entertainment.

  • Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor

    May 25, 2020

    ‘Kickboxer 4’ feels like an homage to some of Van Damme’s earliest hits but it fails to make the most of its action opportunities.