Tag: China
Trailer: ‘Bell Chamber’
Jul 31, 2019‘Bell Chamber’ (童童的风铃密室) is a 2019 Chinese horror movie directed by Liu Ning.
Trailer [2]: ‘Shanghai Fortress’
Jul 31, 2019‘Shanghai Fortress’ (上海堡垒) is a 2019 Chinese sci-fi thriller directed by Teng Hua-Tao.
Trailer: ‘Line Walker 2: Invisible Spy’
Jul 30, 2019‘Line Walker 2: Invisible Spy’ (使徒行者2:諜影行動) is an upcoming Hong Kong action crime drama directed by Jazz Boon.
Trailer: ‘Bodies at Rest’
Jul 30, 2019‘Bodies at Rest’ (沉默的證人) is a 2019 Hong Kong-Chinese crime actioner directed by Renny Harlin.
Trailer: ‘Jade Dynasty’
Jul 24, 2019‘Jade Dynasty’ (诛仙) is a 2019 Chinese martial arts fantasy directed by Ching Siu-Tung.
Trailer: ‘Coward Hero’
Jul 23, 2019‘Coward Hero’ (鼠胆英雄) is a 2019 Chinese period comedy directed by Huan Shu and Dan Shao.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Master Z: Ip Man Legacy’
Jul 23, 2019Well Go USA are bringing the ‘Ip Man’ spin-off movie ‘Master Z: Ip Man Legacy’ (叶问外传:张天志) to US Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, and Digital on July 23, 2019.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Shadow’
Jul 14, 2019Well Go USA are bringing the Chinese martial arts period drama ‘Shadow’ (影) to US DVD, Blu-ray Combo, 4K Ultra Blu-ray Combo and Digital on August 13, 2019.
Trailer: ‘The Rookies’
Jul 12, 2019‘The Rookies’ (素人特工) is an upcoming Chinese action movie written and directed by Alan Yuen.
Blu-ray release: ‘The Island’
Jul 9, 2019Well Go USA are bringing the 2018 Chinese fantasy comedy ‘The Island’ (一出好戏) to US Blu-ray on July 30, 2019.
Trailer: ‘The Bravest’
Jul 8, 2019‘The Bravest’ (烈火英雄) is a 2019 Chinese disaster drama directed by Tony Chan.
Trailer: ‘Midnight Diner’
Jul 7, 2019‘Midnight Diner’ (深夜食堂) is an upcoming Chinese drama directed by Tony Leung Ka-Fai.