Tag: China
Trailer: ‘Baby’
Oct 15, 2018‘Baby’ (宝贝儿) is a 2018 Chinese drama written and directed by Liu Jie.
Trailer: ‘Iceman: The Time Traveler’
Oct 11, 2018‘Iceman: The Time Traveler’ (冰封侠:时空行者) is an upcoming Hong Kong-Chinese action comedy directed by Raymond Yip.
Trailer: ‘Hello, Mrs. Money’
Sep 21, 2018‘Hello, Mrs. Money’ (李茶的姑妈) is a 2018 Chinese comedy directed by Wu Yuhan.
DVD & Digital release: ‘Girls vs. Gangsters’
Sep 13, 2018Well Go USA are bringing ‘Girls vs. Gangsters’ (闺蜜2), the sequel to the 2014 Taiwanese-Chinese box office smash ‘Girls’, to Digital on October 2 and to DVD on November 6.
Teaser: ‘Master Z: Ip Man Legacy’
Sep 11, 2018‘Master Z: Ip Man Legacy’ (葉問外傳:張天志) is an upcoming ‘Ip Man 3’ spin-off directed by Yuen Woo-Ping.
Trailer [2]: ‘Ash Is Purest White’
Sep 6, 2018‘Ash Is Purest White’ (江湖儿女) is an upcoming Chinese crime drama written and directed by Jia Zhangke.
Trailer: ‘The Blizzard’
Sep 6, 2018‘The Blizzard’ (道高一丈) is an upcoming Chinese thriller written and directed by Jiang Kaiyang.
Trailer: ‘Kung Fu Monster’
Sep 3, 2018‘Kung Fu Monster’ (武林怪兽) is an upcoming Hong Kong-Chinese wuxia fantasy directed by Andrew Lau.
Trailer: ‘Legend of the Ancient Sword’
Aug 28, 2018‘Legend of the Ancient Sword’ (古剑奇谭之流月昭明) is a 2018 Chinese fantasy-action-adventure directed by Renny Harlin.
DVD & Digital release: ‘Brothers’
Aug 2, 2018Well Go USA are bringing the Chinese war action drama ‘Brothers’ (钢刀) to US DVD and Digital on September 4, 2018.
Teaser: ‘Legend of the Ancient Sword’
Jul 20, 2018‘Legend of the Ancient Sword’ (古剑奇谭之流月昭明) is a 2018 Chinese fantasy-action-adventure directed by Renny Harlin.
Trailer: ‘Shadow’
Jul 19, 2018‘Shadow’ (影) is an upcoming Chinese martial arts period drama directed by Zhang Yimou.