Rating: 2.0
King Of Robbery
Apr 4, 2015Even though he has very little to work with, Simon Yam still manages to impress with his portrayal of yet another mean and moody criminal mastermind.
Kung Fu Cult Master
Apr 4, 2015The pairing of Jet Li and Sammo should have spawned a masterpiece, but instead the audience is left with this disheartening effort.
Kung Fu Fighter
Apr 4, 2015‘Kung Fu Fighter’ is the cinematic equivalent of watching a used corn plaster floating in a muddy canal.
Kung Fu Mahjong
Apr 4, 2015If you approach a film of this nature, with this cast, with this storyline and with this lack of imagination, there is very little sympathy you (or indeed I) should expect.
Kung Fu On Sale
Apr 4, 2015‘Kung Fu On Sale’ is strictly for fans who absolutely must see every film the genre has to offer. The majority of viewers would be best advised looking elsewhere for entertainment.
Kung Fu Yoga
Feb 20, 2017It gives me no pleasure to say that I would even consider, if heavily medicated, watching ‘The Spy Next Door’ again rather than this.
Kunoichi: Ninja Girl
May 4, 2015Aside from a few glimpses of the impressive skills of Rina Takeda, ‘Kunoichi’ doesn’t really have anything else to offer.
L.A. Streetfighters
May 25, 2015The cast are all gifted fighters and the film does pack in a fair bit of martial arts, just a shame the rest of the film is so amateur, haphazard and, well, naff.
Lethal Contact
Apr 12, 2015‘Lethal Contact’ is as unfunny as film-making gets, with endless low-brow jokes that fail to register even the slightest smirk.
Looking For Jackie
Apr 13, 2015If they’d actually bothered to spend some time on the script or even just made a more likeable leading character, ‘Looking For Jackie’ could have been a half decent underdog story.
Lost In The Pacific
Nov 20, 2019Much like ‘Last Flight’, the pace is just too static and there isn’t enough fun or silly action to recommend it to even B-movie aficionados.
Madam City Hunter
Apr 19, 2015Although it could be argued that there is some well-executed action at the end, the fact of the matter is that it comes too late to succeed in entertaining.