Tag: China
Trailer: ‘The 5th Dimension’
Jan 4, 2018‘The 5th Dimension’ (五度空间) is a 2018 Chinese suspense thriller directed by Xia Tian.
Trailer: ‘Loops’
Jan 2, 2018‘Loops’ (时空终点) is an upcoming Chinese sci-fi thriller written and directed by Ye Xiaozhou.
Trailer: ‘Keep Calm and Be A Superstar’
Jan 1, 2018‘Keep Calm and Be A Superstar’ (卧底巨星) is an upcoming Chinese action comedy directed by Vincent Kok.
Blu-ray & Digital release: ‘Reset’
Dec 22, 2017The action-packed Chinese/South Korean sci-fi thriller ‘Reset’ (逆时营救) arrives on Digital and Blu-ray on February 6 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Brotherhood of Blades II’
Dec 21, 2017The wuxia martial arts extravaganza ‘Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield’ will land on Digital, Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD on February 13 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Trailer: ‘Justice in Northwest’
Dec 20, 2017‘Justice in Northwest’ (西北风云) is a 2018 Chinese crime drama directed by Huang Huang.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Legend of the Naga Pearls’
Dec 20, 2017Lavish fantasy abounds in the magical adventure ‘Legend of the Naga Pearls’ (鲛珠传), debuting on Digital, Blu-ray and DVD January 30 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Teaser: ‘Invisible Tattoo’
Dec 19, 2017‘Invisible Tattoo’ (纹身) is a 2022 Chinese period martial arts actioner directed by Lu Yitong.
Trailer: ‘A Better Tomorrow 2018’
Dec 17, 2017‘A Better Tomorrow 2018’ (英雄本色2018) is a 2018 Chinese crime action film directed by Ding Sheng.
Trailer: ‘Queen of Triads’
Dec 6, 2017‘Queen of Triads’ (大嫂) is a 2017 Chinese crime drama written by Wong Jing and directed by Kam Ka-Wai.
Trailer: ‘Namiya’
Nov 30, 2017‘Namiya’ (解忧杂货店) is a 2017 Chinese fantasy directed by Han Jie.
Trailer (2): ‘Bleeding Steel’
Nov 30, 2017‘Bleeding Steel’ (机器之血) is an upcoming Chinese science fiction action thriller written and directed by Leo Zhang.