Rating: 2.0
Mafia Vs. Ninja
Apr 19, 2015If you’re a big Robert Tai fan, add a star to the following mark; most though should see ‘Mafia vs. Ninja’ as a cheap and cheerful mix of kung fu and surrealism.
Jul 16, 2018Not the return to modern action many a Woo fan may have hoped for but fun in fits and starts if you can forgive its flaws.
Master Of The Drunken Fist: Beggar So
Feb 14, 2017A ho-hum attempt at old school martial arts that succumbs to plodding pacing and dull storytelling.
Master Of The Shadowless Kick: Wong Kei-Ying
Feb 16, 2017A few fight scenes pull one back from catatonia, but mostly this is a failure without the luxury of budget constraints to blame its incompetence on.
Moving Target
Nov 27, 2020Don Wilson is his usual likable self, gets to kick loads of butt and there’s something odd and unique about seeing him run around Ireland kicking lots of ass.
My Dream Girl
May 3, 2015I’ve lost 90 minutes of my life that could’ve been more productively spent on getting rid of those pesky nostril hairs. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake.
My Kung Fu Sweetheart
May 3, 2015One’s enjoyment of ‘My Kung Fu Sweetheart’ depends on one’s appreciation, or tolerance, for Wong Jing’s films.
My Wife Is 18
May 3, 2015The thought that Ekin Cheng would end up falling in love with her is so ludicrous that it renders the whole film frustrating to a critical extent.
Natural City
May 3, 2015Ultimately the overly serious tone and lack of energy telling the story make ‘Natural City’ a frustrating and hollow experience.
Ninja Commandments
May 4, 2015As with a lot of IFD movies, watching ‘Ninja Commandments’ can often be excruciatingly painful as the majority of the film is downright awful. Thankfully though, the ninjas are on hand to save the day.
Oh! Yes Sir!!!
May 6, 2015‘Oh! Yes Sir!!!’ could have perhaps been more appealing if there had been added emphasis on the action or a little less smuttiness in the humour.
One Armed Swordsman Against Nine Killers
May 9, 2015A few moments of Wang Yu madness creep into the film to enliven things, but this is mostly a hard slog to get through.