Rating: 2.0
Ong Bak 3
May 9, 2015‘Ong Bak 3’ has all the hallmarks of a film rushed into production with a complete disregard for cinematic fundamentals and quality control.
Out For Blood
Jun 5, 2019‘Out For Blood’ was clearly inspired by other (better) vigilante movies but it never really comes close to accomplishing anything that stands out from the crowd.
Panda Plan
Jan 18, 2025The fight action is apologetic, the comedy forced and the complete package a grave disservice to the young audience it was obviously intended for.
Peace Hotel
Jan 12, 2021A great set up is unfortunately wasted via odd creative choices, too much focus on comedy-romance and a reliance on grating theatrics.
Penny Pinchers
May 11, 2015For a romantic comedy to have a pair of protagonists who prove so completely dislikeable means the film shoots hits itself in the foot with the very first bullet.
Prisoners Of The Ghostland
Dec 31, 2021‘Prisoners of the Ghostland’ unfortunately doesn’t deliver on its promise of uniting Cage and Sono in a tale of post-apocalyptic rescue.
Raid On Royal Casino Marine
May 15, 2024Part three has none of the charm of the original and doesn’t even stack up well against the second part; this is a lazy, charmless affair that had me looking at the clock every couple of minutes.
Rain Fall
May 16, 2015A slick looking thriller set and shot in Tokyo, ‘Rain Fall’ had all the makings of an exciting Bourne type action ride but unfortunately ends up as a dull, dreary and often pompous experience.
Ring Of Fire III: Lion Strike
Nov 26, 2018All of the fun clashes with wacky opponents are noticeably absent, and the film feels like a much more run-of-the-mill low budget actioner.
Rush Hour 3
May 19, 2015‘Rush Hour 3’ barely even passes as a competent movie and I think that it’s about time that Tucker (who never really had much talent in the first place) and Chan moved onto other things.
Samurai Warrior
May 20, 2015‘Samurai Warrior’ looks and feels cheap, and certainly shows no signs of any Miike-style magic. There’s also a real lack of meat in the story and the overall approach to structuring the film is a bad one.
Satan Returns
Sep 17, 2016‘Satan Returns’ can’t decide if it’s a serious dark thriller or a goofy over-the-top action horror combo.