Tag: South Korea
Trailer: ‘Fearsome’
Sep 29, 2021‘Fearsome’ (피어썸) is a 2021 South Korean horror movie directed by Lee Sang-Hun.
Trailer: ‘The Labyrinth’
Sep 24, 2021‘The Labyrinth’ (화이트데이: 학교라는 이름의 미궁) is a 2021 South Korean fantasy horror movie directed by Song Hyun-Joo.
Trailer: ‘The Recon’
Sep 22, 2021‘The Recon’ (수색자) is a 2021 South Korean mystery thriller written and directed by Kim Min-Seop.
Trailer: ‘Snowball’
Sep 9, 2021‘Snowball’ (최선의 삶) is a 2021 South Korean drama directed by Lee Woo-Jung.
Trailer: ‘Good Person’
Sep 8, 2021‘Good Person’ (좋은 사람) is a 2021 South Korean mystery drama directed by Jung Wook.
Trailer: ‘Voice’
Sep 4, 2021‘Voice’ (보이스 / On the Line) is 2021 South Korean crime thriller directed by Kim Sun and Kim Gok.
Trailer: ‘Show Me the Ghost’
Aug 27, 2021‘Show Me the Ghost’ (쇼미더고스트) is a 2021 South Korean supernatural comedy written and directed by Kim Eun-Kyung.
Trailer: ‘Cinema Street’
Aug 23, 2021‘Cinema Street’ (영화의 거리) is a 2021 South Korean romantic drama directed by Kim Min-Geun.
Teaser: ‘Voice’
Aug 21, 2021‘Voice’ (보이스 / On the Line) is 2021 South Korean crime thriller directed by Kim Sun and Kim Gok.
Trailer: ‘Guimoon: The Lightless Door’
Aug 1, 2021‘Guimoon: The Lightless Door’ (귀문) is a 2021 South Korean horror movie directed by Sim Deok-Geun.
Theatrical & Digital release: ‘Beasts Clawing at Straws’
Jul 24, 2021Blue Finch Film Releasing are bringing the 2020 South Korean black comedy crime thriller ‘Beasts Clawing at Straws’ (지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들) to UK virtual cinemas on August 13 and to Digital on August 23, 2021.
Trailer: ‘Sinkhole’
Jul 24, 2021‘Sinkhole’ (싱크홀) is a 2021 South Korean disaster comedy directed by Kim Ji-Hoon.