Tag: South Korea
Trailer: ‘Swindler’
Oct 2, 2020‘Swindler’ (스윈들러) is a 2020 South Korean crime comedy written and directed by Yi Donghwan.
Trailer: ‘Real Fighter’
Oct 2, 2020‘Real Fighter’ (리얼파이터) is a 2020 South Korean martial arts action movie directed by Kim Choon-Sik and Kim Kyung-Taek.
Trailer: ‘Voice of Silence’
Sep 25, 2020‘Voice of Silence’ (소리도 없이) is a 2020 South Korean crime drama written and directed by Hong Ui-Jung.
Trailer: ‘Mephisto’
Sep 7, 2020‘Mephisto’ (메피스토) is a 2020 South Korean thriller directed by Kim Dong-Hoo.
Trailer: ‘Beauty Water’
Sep 3, 2020‘Beauty Water’ (기기괴괴 성형수) is a 2020 South Korean animated horror-thriller directed by Cho Kyung-Hun.
Trailer: ‘Stone Skipping’
Sep 2, 2020‘Stone Skipping’ (돌멩이) is a 2020 South Korean drama written and directed by Kim Jung-Sik.
Trailer: ‘Night of the Undead’
Sep 2, 2020‘Night of the Undead’ (죽지않는 인간들의 밤) is a 2020 South Korean horror comedy co-written and directed by Shin Jung-Won.
Trailer: ‘The Swordsman’
Aug 31, 2020‘The Swordsman’ (검객) is a 2020 South Korean historical action drama written and directed by Choi Jae-Hoon.
Trailer: ‘Oh! My Gran’
Aug 29, 2020‘Oh! My Gran’ (오! 문희) is a 2020 South Korean comedy directed by Jung Se-Kyo.
Blu-ray & DVD release: ‘Parasite’
Aug 27, 2020Criterion are bringing the 2019 South Korean black comedy thriller ‘Parasite‘ (기생충) to US Blu-ray and DVD on October 27, 2020.
Trailer: ‘Farewell Restaurant’
Aug 24, 2020‘Farewell Restaurant’ (이별식당) is a 2020 South Korean musical romantic drama directed by Lim Wang-Tae.
Trailer: ‘Diva’
Aug 19, 2020‘Diva’ (디바) is a 2020 South Korean mystery-thriller directed by Jo Seul-Ye.