Tag: South Korea
Trailer: ‘Intruder’
Feb 5, 2020‘Intruder’ (침입자) is a 2020 South Korean mystery thriller written and directed by Son Won-Pyeong.
French poster released for Bong Joon-Ho’s black and white version of ‘Parasite’
Feb 1, 2020South Korean auteur Bong Joon-Ho’s latest classic ‘Parasite’ has a new black and white version.
Trailer: ‘Honest Candidate’
Jan 29, 2020‘Honest Candidate’ (정직한 후보) is a 2020 South Korean comedy directed by Jang Yoo-Jeong.
Trailer: ‘The Closet’
Jan 20, 2020‘The Closet’ (클로젯) is a 2020 South Korean mystery-thriller written and directed by Kim Kwang-Bin.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Parasite’
Jan 15, 2020Universal Pictures Home Entertainment are bringing the 2019 South Korean black comedy thriller ‘Parasite’ (기생충) to US Blu-ray and Digital on January 28, 2020.
Teaser: ‘Time to Hunt’
Jan 14, 2020‘Time to Hunt’ (사냥의 시간) is a 2020 South Korean thriller directed by Yoon Sung-Hyun.
Trailer: ‘Mr. Zoo: The Missing VIP’
Jan 6, 2020‘Mr. Zoo: The Missing VIP’ (미스터 주: 사라진 VIP) is a 2020 South Korean comedy written and directed by Kim Tae-Yoon.
Teaser: ‘The Closet’
Jan 5, 2020‘The Closet’ (클로젯) is a 2020 South Korean mystery-thriller written and directed by Kim Kwang-Bin.
Trailer: ‘Secret Zoo’
Jan 4, 2020‘Secret Zoo’ (해치지않아) is a 2020 South Korean comedy directed by Son Jae-Gon.
Trailer: ‘Hitman: Agent Jun’
Dec 23, 2019‘Hitman: Agent Jun’ (히트맨) is a 2020 South Korean action comedy written and directed by Choi Won-Sub.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Battle of Jangsari’
Dec 19, 2019Well Go USA are bringing the 2019 South Korean war drama ‘Battle of Jangsari’ (장사리: 잊혀진 영웅들) to US Blu-ray, DVD and Digital on January 28, 2020.
Trailer: ‘Killed My Wife’
Dec 6, 2019‘Killed My Wife’ (아내를 죽였다) is a 2019 South Korean mystery thriller directed by Kim Ha-Ra.