• Happy Ding Dong

    Mar 22, 2015

    It’s somewhat disappointing to see a comedian of Michael Hui’s pedigree reverting to, what is essentially, a reworking of the classic Jack Lemmon/Tony Curtis/Marilyn Monroe comedy ‘Some Like It Hot’.

  • Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai

    Mar 22, 2015

    This version of ‘Hara-Kiri’ just simply pales in comparison to Kobayashi’s version and while it’s certainly good for a majority of its run time, you still may be wondering what’s the point of it.

  • Hard Revenge, Milly

    Mar 22, 2015

    ‘Hard Revenge, Milly’ is a short burst of blood-soaked fun that is likely to please fans of this ever-expanding genre.

  • He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Father

    Mar 23, 2015

    Unfortunately not enough of the storyline’s potential is realised to be fully satisfying; such an intriguing plot needed a bit more attention to its effects instead of just skimming over the matter.

  • He Has Nothing But Kung Fu

    Mar 23, 2015

    This provides solid viewing for fans while the veterans will no doubt enjoy spotting the endless array of familiar faces in the background.

  • Heart Against Hearts

    Mar 23, 2015

    Not that ‘Heart Against Hearts’ doesn’t have its moments, but it certainly never develops the story beyond typical moments of Hong Kong farce.

  • Heart Into Hearts

    Mar 23, 2015

    ‘Heart Into Hearts’ is subsequently a perfect example of the law of diminishing returns, a sequel that tries to impress with its relative opulence but forgets how important its characters are.

  • Heat Team

    Mar 23, 2015

    ‘Heat Team’ will undoubtedly baffle more than it will appease; the fractured style and severe lack of focus on what the film actually wants to achieve is difficult to forgive.

  • Heaven And Hell

    Oct 4, 2017

    ‘Heaven and Hell’ is actually a whole lot more interesting, and engaging, than one would outwardly expect from its (largely) negative reputation.

  • Heaven Sword And Dragon Sabre

    Mar 23, 2015

    The director has taken complicated source material and distilled it into something arresting before, but here he finds too many sub-plots to balance and too many characters to accommodate.

  • Helldriver

    Mar 23, 2015

    You are either into these kinds of flicks or not but with an infectious energy, a musical score that propels all the lunacy and a complete commitment to going insane, ‘Helldriver’ is, well, as mad as a bag of smashed frogs!

  • Hello Mr. Billionaire

    Jul 24, 2019

    While it runs out of steam far sooner than it should have done, ‘Hello Mr. Billionaire’ does offer a few smiles along the way.