Rating: 3.0
The East Is Red
Mar 9, 2015‘The East Is Red’ ends the popular series with a visual bang that pummels the viewer relentlessly. Unfortunately the exercise is very much one of style over substance and the overall effect is a bewildering one.
The Eighth Happiness
Mar 10, 2015This is an average comedy film with little to make it stand out and viewers would be better advised watching ‘Diary Of A Big Man’ if they want to see one of Chow Yun-Fat’s comic roles.
The Emperor And His Brother
Mar 10, 2015Despite being made in the early 80s, the choreography lacks the invention and energy common to this era. This, for many viewers, may be the main problem that hinders ‘The Emperor And His Brother’.
The Final Master
Jun 27, 2017‘The Final Master’ does have some knockout moments though and the climax in particular is full of the kind of crisp, clean and measured choreography that looks so good on the screen.
The Flying Mr. B
Mar 14, 2015With more cheese than a Mini Babybel factory, ‘The Flying Mr. B’ is about as dated as Hong Kong comedy gets.
The Forbidden Kingdom
Mar 14, 2015Very 1980s in its tone, a factor which adds to a lot of the fun, ‘The Forbidden Kingdom’, is flashy and harmless and shows the two Hong Kong stars still have charisma to burn.
The Fun, The Luck And The Tycoon
Mar 15, 2015‘The Fun, The Luck And The Tycoon’ is not hilarious or particularly side-splitting, but the humour is such that it hits the mark in a subtle manner.
The Gambling Ghost
Mar 16, 2015What makes ‘Gambling Ghost’ an above-average feature is undoubtedly the superb performance by the film’s main star.
The Ghost
Jan 22, 2019Kim Tae-Kyung’s ‘The Ghost’ rises well above the attempts of its contemporaries to cut an individualistic path through legions of countless ‘Ring’ imitators.
The Goldfinger
Jan 15, 2024Despite its flaws, ‘The Goldfinger’ is an entertaining and well-acted piece of cinema with the highlights being the face-to-face meetings of Lau and Leung throughout the film.
The Grandmaster
Mar 21, 2015There is no arguing that it is an entrancingly shot piece of work with some typically eye-catching Yuen Woo-Ping action choreography.
The Greatest Lover
Mar 21, 2015The final word therefore is that ‘The Greatest Lover’ is certainly worth catching, but there are simply too many annoyances for this to be anything special.