• The Revenger

    Feb 3, 2021

    It’s just disappointing that the obvious craft at work by the experienced crew on ‘The Revenger’ never quite translates into a solid, coherent whole.

  • The Sanctuary

    May 21, 2015

    It doesn’t touch the likes of ‘Ong Bak’, ‘Chocolate’ or ‘Raging Phoenix’ in terms of scale or epic action but ‘The Sanctuary’ still shows why the Thai’s are at the top of the fight action game.

  • The Sandwich Man

    Sep 19, 2020

    Overall this is an interesting, thoughtful collection of stories that shows promise. Yet it is once again a film whose historical significance leaves more of an impression than the material therein.

  • The Shadow Whip

    May 22, 2015

    While it fails to ignite the screen, ‘The Shadow Whip’ does offer some moments of interest – especially during its opening twenty minute period.

  • The Shock Labyrinth

    May 25, 2015

    It doesn’t come close to reaching the creepy heights of ‘Ju-on’ but it’s a moderately spooky horror flick with some unnecessary but occasionally groovy 3D additions.

  • The Shopaholics

    May 25, 2015

    ‘The Shopaholics’ is a simple time waster that has a few effective moments, but meanders around until its uninspiring conclusion.

  • The Spy Dad

    Jun 1, 2015

    I did notice my skin peeling off as the film neared its conclusion, though on closer inspection this seems to have been what doctors call ‘The Chapman To effect’.

  • The Stone Age Warriors

    Jun 1, 2015

    If you’re looking for a strong plot or an all-round classic of cinema, this certainly isn’t for you. However, if you just want an inventive and engaging 90 minute action-comedy, you could do worse than this.

  • The Storm Riders

    Jun 1, 2015

    ‘The Storm Riders’ is a film that all Hong Kong film fans will want to watch for its reputation. Whether or not it’ll stay in the viewer’s mind much longer after the final credits role is a different matter.

  • The Storm Warriors

    Jun 1, 2015

    As the style inevitably overpowers the substance, the facade of a plot begins to break apart and the husk of a film is left.

  • The Street Fighter

    Jun 3, 2015

    ‘The Street Fighter’ is a throat ripping, eyeball gouging hoot that what it lacks in any kind of decency or coherent plotting makes up for with spades and spades of exploitation.

  • The Super Ninja

    Jun 5, 2015

    The Super Ninja’ comes very close to becoming a highly recommended film on action merits alone.