• Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings

    Jul 30, 2018

    Much like the first two Dee flicks, ‘The Four Heavenly Kings’ is an often breathless fantasy blockbuster that doesn’t skimp on the wuxia action, CGI wonderment and imaginative scenarios.

  • Dirty Ho

    Mar 7, 2015

    This splendid period kung-fu film once again gives evidence of the immense quality that rolled out of the Shaw Brothers studios during the 70’s.

  • Disciples Of The 36th Chamber

    Mar 8, 2015

    ‘Disciples Of The 36th Chamber’ is a quality film; from the choreography to Liu Chia-Liang’s artistically composed frames, this is a more sophisticated kung fu film.

  • Ditto

    Mar 8, 2015

    The Korean hit makes ample use of the fine chemistry between its two main stars and the inherent interest generated by such a workable premise.

  • Doctor Vampire

    Feb 24, 2025

    A fangtastically (sorry!) fun and extremely silly film is a great time for those looking for a creatively made comedy with a dash of cool supernatural action.

  • Don Quixote

    Mar 8, 2015

    Liu provides a more than acceptable ‘Don Quixote-lite’, a necessarily truncated interpretation that will hopefully inspire some to read the Cervantes masterpiece in full.

  • Dororo

    Mar 8, 2015

    Great characters, action and design make this an excellent fantasy adventure which harks back to the fun time fantasies such as ‘Willow’, ‘A Chinese Ghost Story’ and, yes, even ‘Krull’.

  • Dragon Fist

    Mar 8, 2015

    Jackie Chan is given one of his more serious roles and succeeds in giving a fine performance both in the acting and the fighting departments.

  • Dragon Inn

    Mar 8, 2015

    ‘Dragon Inn’ doesn’t quite compete with ‘A Touch Of Zen’ and ‘Come Drink With Me’, but anything to be criticised here is a mere niggle rather than a detrimental flaw.

  • Dragon Lord

    Mar 8, 2015

    Chan tries to introduce the new quick-cut style of action alongside a significant measure of pure entertainment and humour.

  • Dragon Tiger Gate

    Mar 9, 2015

    Don’t compare it to Yen and Yip’s ‘SPL’ or ‘Flashpoint’, just sit back and enjoy a good old fashioned comic book blockbuster with heaps of kung fu action.

  • Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

    Mar 9, 2015

    All in all, it’s a solid slice of entertainment that presents a charming if somewhat inaccurate account of Lee’s life.