• Trailer: ‘Noise’

    Oct 26, 2021

    ‘Noise’ (ノイズ) is a 2022 Japanese mystery thriller directed by Ryuichi Hiroki.

  • Blu-ray release: ‘Hiruko the Goblin’

    Oct 25, 2021

    Third Window Films are bringing the 1991 Japanese horror film ‘Hiruko the Goblin’ (妖怪ハンター ヒルコ) to UK Blu-ray on January 24, 2022.

  • Blu-ray release: ‘Sailor Suit and Machine Gun’

    Oct 19, 2021

    Arrow Video are bringing the 1981 Japanese yakuza film ‘Sailor Suit and Machine Gun’ (セーラー服と機関銃) to UK Blu-ray on November 15, 2021.

  • DVD release: ‘Ultraman Gaia’

    Oct 14, 2021

    Mill Creek Entertainment are bringing the 1998/99 Japanese tokusatsu TV show ‘Ultraman Gaia’ (ウルトラマンガイア) to US DVD on December 7, 2021.

  • Trailer: ‘Your Turn to Kill: The Movie’

    Oct 13, 2021

    ‘Your Turn to Kill: The Movie’ (あなたの番です 劇場版) is a 2021 mystery comedy directed by Noriyoshi Sakuma.

  • Trailer: ‘99.9 Criminal Lawyer: The Movie’

    Oct 13, 2021

    ‘99.9 Criminal Lawyer: The Movie’ (99.9 刑事専門弁護士 THE MOVIE) is a 2021 Japanese legal comedy directed by Hisashi Kimura.

  • Trailer: ‘Parasite in Love’

    Oct 8, 2021

    ‘Parasite in Love’ (恋する寄生虫) is a 2021 Japanese romantic drama directed by Kensaku Kakimoto.

  • Trailer: ‘The Cursed Sanctuary X’

    Oct 5, 2021

    ‘The Cursed Sanctuary X’ (聖地X) is a 2021 Japanese supernatural horror movie written and directed by Yu Irie.

  • DVD release: ‘Twilight Dinner’

    Sep 28, 2021

    Salvation Films are bringing the 1998 Japanese pink film ‘Twilight Dinner’ (超いんらん 姉妹どんぶり) to UK DVD on February 14, 2022.

  • Blu-ray release: ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’

    Sep 22, 2021

    Anime Limited are bringing the 1995/96 Japanese mecha anime series ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’ (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン) to UK Blu-ray on December 6, 2021.

  • Trailer: ‘Asakusa Kid’

    Sep 21, 2021

    ‘Asakusa Kid’ (浅草キッド) is a 2021 Japanese comedy-drama directed by Hitori Gekidan.

  • Trailer: ‘Cube’

    Sep 16, 2021

    ‘Cube’ (CUBE 一度入ったら、最後) is a 2021 Japanese science-fiction horror movie directed by Yasuhiko Shimizu.