Tag: Japan
Trailer: ‘Itomichi’
Jun 10, 2021‘Itomichi’ (いとみち) is a 2021 Japanese drama written and directed by Satoko Yokohama.
DVD & Digital release: ‘To the Ends of the Earth’
Jun 9, 2021KimStim are bringing the 2019 Japanese drama ‘To the Ends of the Earth’ (旅のおわり世界のはじまり) to US DVD and Digital on June 8, 2021.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Crazy Samurai: 400 vs 1’
Jun 7, 2021Dazzler Media are bringing the Japanese period action epic ‘Crazy Samurai: 400 vs 1’ (狂武蔵 / Crazy Samurai Musashi) to UK Blu-ray, DVD and Digital on July 5, 2021.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘Hydra’
Jun 3, 2021Well Go USA are bringing the 2019 Japanese martial arts action thriller ‘Hydra’ to US Digital on July 2 and to Blu-ray and DVD on July 20, 2021.
Trailer: ‘Rika’
Jun 1, 2021‘Rika’ (リカ 自称28歳の純愛モンスター) is a 2021 Japanese suspense thriller directed by Tsukuru Matsuki.
Blu-ray release: ‘Irezumi’
May 14, 2021Arrow Video are bringing the 1966 Japanese revenge drama ‘Irezumi’ (刺青) to UK Blu-ray on June 22, 2021.
Trailer: ‘Arc’
May 10, 2021‘Arc’ (Arc アーク) is a 2021 Japanese sci-fi drama directed by Kei Ishikawa.
Trailer: ‘Character’
May 10, 2021‘Character’ (キャラクター) is a 2021 Japanese suspense thriller directed by Akira Nagai.
Trailer: ‘Tomorrow’s Dinner Table’
May 10, 2021‘Tomorrow’s Dinner Table’ (明日の食卓) is a 2021 Japanese drama directed by Takahisa Zeze.
Trailer: ‘End-Of-Life Concierge’
May 6, 2021‘End-Of-Life Concierge’ (お終活 熟春! 人生, 百年時代の過ごし方) is a 2021 Japanese comedy drama written and directed by Hideyuki Katsuki.
Blu-ray, DVD & Digital release: ‘The Great War of Archimedes’
May 6, 2021Well Go USA are bringing the 2019 Japanese war drama ‘The Great War of Archimedes’ (アルキメデスの大戦) to US Blu-ray, DVD and Digital on June 15, 2021.
DVD release: ‘Sexy Time Trip Ninjas’
Apr 19, 2021Salvation Films are bringing the 1984 Japanese erotic sci-fi adventure ‘Sexy Time Trip Ninjas’ (痴漢電車極秘本番) to UK DVD on April 19, 2021.