Tag: Japan
Trailer: ‘Cube’
Sep 16, 2021‘Cube’ (CUBE 一度入ったら、最後) is a 2021 Japanese science-fiction horror movie directed by Yasuhiko Shimizu.
Trailer: ‘And, the Baton Was Passed’
Sep 15, 2021‘And, the Baton Was Passed’ (そして、バトンは渡された) is a 2021 Japanese family drama directed by Tetsu Maeda.
Trailer: ‘In The Wake’
Sep 15, 2021‘In The Wake’ (護られなかった者たちへ) is a 2021 Japanese mystery drama directed by Takahisa Zeze.
Blu-ray release: ‘Pornostar’
Sep 14, 2021Third Window Films are bringing the 1998 Japanese crime drama ‘Pornostar’ (ポルノスター / Tokyo Rampage) to UK Blu-ray on October 18, 2021.
DVD release: ‘Ultraman Dyna’
Sep 11, 2021Mill Creek Entertainment are bringing the 1997/98 Japanese tokusatsu TV show ‘Ultraman Dyna’ (ウルトラマンダイナ) to US DVD on November 16, 2021.
Trailer: ‘Ghost Diaries’
Sep 11, 2021‘Ghost Diaries’ (ゴーストダイアリーズ) is a 2021 Japanese supernatural drama directed by Takeshi Sone.
Trailer: ‘Super Battle Junretsuger’
Sep 10, 2021‘Super Battle Junretsuger’ (スーパー戦闘 純烈ジャー) is a 2021 Japanese superhero comedy directed by Hiroshi Butsuda.
Blu-ray release: ‘9 Souls’
Sep 8, 2021Third Window Films are bringing the 2003 Japanese crime drama ‘9 Souls’ (ナイン・ソウルズ) to UK Blu-ray on October 18, 2021.
DVD release: ‘A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn’
Sep 7, 2021Salvation Films are bringing the 2003 Japanese pink film ‘A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn’ (痴漢義父 息子の嫁と) to UK DVD on October 25, 2021.
Teaser: ‘Parasite in Love’
Sep 5, 2021‘Parasite in Love’ (恋する寄生虫) is a 2021 Japanese romantic drama directed by Kensaku Kakimoto.
Blu-ray & DVD release: ‘Lupin III: The First’
Sep 3, 2021Anime Limited are bringing the 2019 Japanese 3DCG comedy action-adventure anime film ‘Lupin III: The First’ (ルパン三世 THE FIRST) to UK Blu-ray and DVD on September 13, 2021.
Teaser: ‘The Cursed Sanctuary X’
Sep 3, 2021‘The Cursed Sanctuary X’ (聖地X) is a 2021 Japanese supernatural horror movie written and directed by Yu Irie.